Supreme Grand Council og cryptic masons of germany ud
Oberstes Großkonzil der Kryptischen Maurer von Deutschland UD


First a fraternal hug and a welcome on this site to all Masonic Companions of the Grand Council of the Royal and Chosen Masters of Germany. Of course, to all Cryptic Masons around the world.

Further, a warm welcome to all those who are not Freemasons who have come to this site by chance or purpose because they want to learn more about Freemasonry, about the York Rite in general, or more specifically about cryptic Freemasonry.

On this website you will find information that illustrates everything we aspire to:                                  good men who want to get even better with the traditions and teachings of the York Rite Cryptic Freemasonry.

We hope that this website is an efficient and effective information medium for all partners of the Grand Council of the Royal and Selective Masters of Germany, but also an easy way to communicate the sometimes misunderstood message of Freemasonry.

We want to offer our brothers from the Johannis Freemasonry a channel, to learn more about the York Rite in general and the work of the Cryptic Masonry in particular.